Garoon - Armenia

Introduced by Tom Bozigian

Other names for the dance are Karoon or Karoun

Line dance, meter 2/4 arms in W-position with little fingers joined

This dance uses the following steps:

Cha-Cha Step, Step-Hop, Stamp

Measure Count Step
1 1-2 Facing slightly R of center and moving in LOD, do one Cha-Cha Step starting with R foot.
2 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork.
3 1-2 Facing center, step on R foot to R (1), lift L foot in front of R leg with knee bent (2).
4 Repeat measure 3 with opposite footwork..
5 1-2 Facing slightly R of center, step on R foot in LOD (1), step on L foot across R foot (2). On each beat clap hands in fornt of chest.
6 Face center and cross R foot over L (1), hop backwards on R foot (2).
7 Step backwards on L foot while pivoting R toe outwards and bending arms to L (1), step backwards on R foot while pivoting L toe outwards and bending arms to R(2).
8 1-2 Step backwards on L foot while pivoting R toe outwards and bending arms to L (1), Stamp R foot next ot L foot.
Chorus (Garoon garoon)
1 1-2 Facing slightly to R of center, do one step-hop in LOD, starting on R foot (1-2).
2 1-2 Do on Cha-Cha in LOD, starting on L foot.
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2.
5-6 With three steps, make one complete turn to R (1 2 1), touch L foot next to R foot and clap hands (2).
7-8 Repeat measures 5-6 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
The number of times each step is done may depend on the recording. Just keep doing the step until the music changes to the other part.